8 Strategies To Elevate Your HRBP Role And Drive Organizational Success

Stop Being an HR Order-Taker, Become a Trusted Advisor

By Beverly Crowell
Managing Partner, Designed Learning

As a Human Resource Business Partner (HRBP), you have expertise that is critical for the survival and growth of the organization. Unfortunately, many HRBPs find themselves being underutilized, overworked with transactional tasks, and being asked to “fix” things and people.

If you are an HRBP, do you find yourself frustrated when:

  • Your leaders come to you at the last minute to implement something?
  • You aren’t involved early enough in the process to influence decisions and share your ideas?
  • Most of your day is spent putting out fires and not focusing on strategic issues?
  • You have so much more expertise to offer the organization, but they don’t appreciate it or even ask for your expertise?
  • You are asked to “handle” tough conversations, “problem” people, and fix them?

HRBPs want to have their expertise utilized and be treated as trusted advisors, but internal clients or key stakeholders don’t know how to utilize them or worse, they don’t want to utilize them in this way. The good news is that HRBPs can adjust their own approach and behavior to be better utilized.

Many times, with the best intentions, they have trained their leaders to treat them the way they do. In the spirit of customer satisfaction and “the customer is always right”, HRBPs end up agreeing to do what clients ask, even when it’s not the best thing for them or the organization. In fact, many leaders inside organizations don’t even know they can partner with their HR Business Partners in any other way.

What is this other way? HRBPs play a critical role in shaping the workforce and driving organizational success. With the increasing complexity of today’s business environment, they must possess not only a deep understanding of HR practices but also strong consulting skills to effectively address and resolve organizational challenges. It is learning to influence where they have no direct control.

Here are eight ways to stop being an order-taker for your clients and instead a trusted advisor where you work in collaboration to create solutions that work the first time.

Building Trust and Credibility

For HRBPs, establishing a solid foundation of trust is essential in gaining the confidence of both business leaders and employees. As such, they must be authentic, transparent, and reliable in their interactions. By adopting these principles, HRBPs can foster stronger relationships with their clients, leading to more open and honest communication. This, in turn, enables HRBPs to better understand the underlying issues within the organization and provide more effective solutions. As noted by Peter Block in Flawless Consulting: A Guide to Getting Your Expertise Used, “Consulting isn’t just about offering expertise – it’s about building authentic relationships and fostering trust.”

Effective Contracting

Creating effective agreements, or contracting, is a crucial step in the partnering process with internal clients, as it sets the expectations and boundaries for the engagement. For HRBPs, mastering the art of contracting can help ensure that their consulting engagements are structured and goal oriented. This not only helps in managing client expectations but also provides a clear roadmap for achieving desired outcomes. By establishing clear agreements, HRBPs can enhance their ability to deliver impactful results.

Diagnosing Organizational Issues

A key aspect of partnering with internal clients is the ability to accurately diagnose organizational issues. For HRBPs, this diagnostic process is invaluable in uncovering the underlying factors contributing to workplace challenges. By being curious and using various methods of discovery, HRBPs can conduct thorough assessments that go beyond surface-level symptoms, enabling them to develop targeted interventions.

Providing Feedback and Recommendations

Providing constructive feedback and actionable recommendations is a critical component of the consulting process. HRBPs must be skilled in delivering feedback in a manner that is both respectful and impactful. This means effectively communicating their findings and proposed solutions by being clear and specific with a focus on positive outcomes. By leveraging these principles, HRBPs can present their recommendations in a way that resonates with clients and motivates them to act.

Managing Resistance

Resistance is a common challenge in consulting engagements, as clients may be hesitant to embrace change. For HRBPs, understanding the sources of resistance and addressing them proactively is crucial in ensuring the success of their initiatives. HRBPs should work to manage this resistance by building rapport, demonstrating empathy, and involving clients in the change process. By adopting these strategies instead of ignoring what’s causing the resistance, HRBPs can navigate it more effectively and create a collaborative environment for implementing solutions.

Implementing Solutions

The ultimate goal of consulting is to implement solutions that drive positive organizational outcomes. For HRBPs, this means following a consistent process or framework to help ensure that their solutions are executed effectively and achieve the desired results. By emphasizing the importance of continuous improvement, regularly assessing the impact of their interventions, HRBPs can enhance the sustainability and effectiveness of their solutions.

Developing Client Competence

To help create self-sufficient and high-performing organizations, HRBPs should work to develop their client competence. Rather than creating dependency, advocate for empowering clients to address their own challenges in the future. Provide clients with the tools, knowledge, and skills needed to sustain improvements over the long term. By fostering a culture of continuous learning and development, HRBPs can help build organizational resilience and capability. They can also help ensure solutions are more fully implemented and sustained.

Stop Being Helpful and Start Being Useful

Perhaps the biggest challenge for any HRBP is to stop seeing support of their clients under the mental model of the “customer is always right.” Certainly, there are times when being helpful is exactly what is needed. More often than not, however, what they need is for HRBPs to show up as more than a “pair of hands.” Instead, use these expert consulting techniques to co-create solutions with the people you serve. Even if clients don’t know it yet, they prefer a partner over someone who simply tells them how to fix things. It’s more than helpful, it’s useful.

Published originally in the February 2025 CHRO Excellence: HR Strategy & Implementation and HCM Sales, Marketing & Alliance Excellence magazines.

For more information on how Designed Learning can help you master these eight strategies, check out our Flawless Consulting® program or call 1.248.701.5928 for more information.

Tattoos of the Mind

By Peter Block

Transformation occurs first in the mind. It is then triggered in an infinite number of ways. What each entails is a shift in narrative. A shift in the story we choose to live into. Each entails a movement away from our historical way of naming our being in the world. Then discovering and choosing new words that name the future we aspire to. It is the moment when we decide to choose a future distinct from the past. 

What anchors each form of transformation is a brief way of speaking of the aspiration. A phrase or a sentence that captures something essential. It is a marker that is always available.  

Some markers are for a city or a country: 

One nation, under God, with liberty and justice for all.
We, the people. . . .
Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.  

These markers appear in history, they appear on statues and on buildings. There are also markers that each of us holds within. 

My daughter, Jennifer, became attracted to tattoos. As they expanded over her body, I asked her what the tattoos meant to her. She said each one represented a transformation in her life. Together they were an art form that documented her path of what was occurring with her, what meant most to her, what she wanted to name and remember.  

So it is with the phrases and sayings each of us was touched by and retains. They are tattoos of the mind rather than the skin, markers of transformation, not just improvement and steps forward. They are an art form in their own way, to capture the nuance of consciousness and meaning. 

These tattoos come in the form of one-liners or short quotes. In sharing them we are reminded of who we are, who we aspire to be, and how we find our commonality. They are not just what I may post on my mirror, or screen or wall, but statements, in the sharing, that bring us together. When we make our shift in story public and visible we generously make known to others what becomes a piece of a communal transformation we are living into and, in the sharing, what reduces our isolation. 

Here are two that I am unable to erase. 

I am warning you that if you argue with me, I will take your side. 
Peter Koestenbaum

This warning awakened me to the idea that certain conversations don’t take us anywhere. Opinions, points of view, evidence-based being are real, interesting but to argue about them becomes a contest, even if expressed with kindness and enjoyment. They are interesting but reinforce the illusion that being right is more important than being connected or surprised. Of course, we are interested in each other’s view of the world, but arguing, debating, persuading is very different from curiosity.

This tattoo––If you argue with me, I will take your side––affirms that certainty keeps us apart. I can strongly believe in something and can also recognize that this does not mean it is right. It is also liberating, in that I can express a point of view knowing that I do not have to defend it.

All transformation is linguistic.  
Werner Erhardt

This statement was a shock to my system. It made a distinction between words that create a world and words that are just talk. I had believed that the stories I tell about myself, my history, this moment actually stand for something. I was missing the insight that they are fictions I have created, conclusions I have drawn, that were useful for a moment but keep me frozen from an alternative future. They express the idea that who I am can be explained by where I have been. As if my past is the cause of my present. 

This tattoo is a symbol giving shape to the insight that healing occurs when we re-remember our past in a more forgiving way. This is the core function of all the ways we choose to shift our way of being.

We give still importance to people telling their story. It is useful for being seen and valued, but the third time we tell our story, and act as if it is true, it becomes an obstacle to living into a future of our own creation. When transformation is known to be a matter of language, claiming our freedom takes the form of naming an alternative story, chosen in this moment, independent of what is occurring in the world, or not burdened by a change being required from those around us.     

A personal example: My historical story was that I am a loner. A gypsy. A permanent observer of life and the world around me. There came a moment in a workshop I was running in Cincinnati, where I lived. At that moment in the event, all in the room were asked “what courage is required of you now?”  

Damon, a friend in our small group, looked at me––gypsy, facilitator of the session––and said, “Well, Peter, what courage is required of you now?” I chose to answer. “I am afraid of going public with all the ideas I easily express in communities other than my own. I am afraid my skin is too thin to live with the consequences of my actions.” At that moment, in answering that question, I chose to no longer hold onto the story of myself as a permanent outsider but take on the one where I am a participant and citizen of where I lived. This took years to take shape, but the transformation began with those words. A story reconstructed in a conversation.     

Is the idea that all transformation is linguistic true? Perhaps not. But it is uncomfortably useful. It leads us into questions and conversations, that in the act of answering and engaging, we become agents in the world we inhabit. Which may be the point of it all. 

Naperville’s Book Read: A Collective Exploration of Community

What happens when a city comes together to collectively explore what community truly means? The City of Naperville, located just 28 miles from Chicago, launched the “Embracing Community Book Read” initiative in the second half of 2024. The initiative invited residents, employees, and students to read and discuss Peter Block’s Community: The Structure of Belonging.

The book read officially began with a captivating conversation with Peter Block. Hosted in July, participants gathered in person to discuss the book while engaging with Peter via Zoom. Over the next two months, Naperville residents were able to read through Community at their own pace. The Naperville Public Library made the book accessible, offering not just physical copies but audio and e-book formats as well. From high school and college students at North Central College to city employees and long-time community members, participants represented a tapestry of Naperville’s population.

Geneace Williams, City of Naperville’s Manager of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, reflected, “What surprised me most was the similarities between the themes that emerged from the community, the students, and the employee participants. We are much more alike than most realize.”

Small-group discussions were held throughout October, and as we know from the book and from Peter Block’s wisdom, “the small group is the unit of transformation.”

A commitment to continued connection came out of the conversation. Inspired by their experience, one group decided to continue the momentum by selecting a second book for further exploration—David Brooks’ How to Know a Person: The Art of Seeing Others Deeply and Being Deeply Seen.

A standout moment came during closing discussions when the community united behind a powerful collective takeaway:

“Create an environment in which we intentionally embrace one another’s gifts and vulnerabilities to unlock the full potential of our community.”

This story from Naperville shows us how powerful it can be to invite our communities in, gather into small groups, and embrace what we have in common. It is an example of what can happen when citizens take control of their collective well-being. Thank you to the City of Naperville for breathing life into this work. You are an example of where the future exists in the present and what happens when we treat our neighbors as partners in creating meaning around what matters to us all.

Thank You. I Like Hearing That.

By Peter Block


Something willingly given to someone without payment.

A natural ability or talent.

Success at building strong communities and organizations is accelerated when we focus on and give full expression to our gifts and the gifts of others. This is in contrast to the more common practice of focusing on what is missing and problem solving for a fix.  

Giving full expression to our gifts requires us to know what they are, in specific terms. Once we know them, it is still a challenge to own them and treat them as if they are important. This is difficult not only because of our modesty, but at the moment I own my gifts, I become accountable for their application. So, we often prefer to give our attention to deficiencies, which demand little of us other than an apology and an improvement plan.  

Gifts come to life when we choose to tell others the gifts we are receiving from them. In this moment, not yesterday or tomorrow. More important is to invite others to tell us what gifts they received from us this time we are together. Awkward? Yes. Impactful? Yes.

The larger meaning of this is that we choose to create a context where gifts are central, primary, the point. We choose not to treat a discussion of gifts as being self-centered or useful only on occasion.  

This is not easy because the dominant contemporary context gives great importance to deficiencies, problems, self-improvement. Our consumer culture attends to what is missing in us, what we might become. Otherwise we would only buy what we needed. What we are not in the habit of practicing is a conversation about gifts exchanged in the normal course of being together. The dominant culture does not see recognition of gifts –– our own and those of others –– as the essence of producing outcomes and of connection, belonging. Making a place better, whether a home, a workplace, a neighborhood, a council meeting, a town hall meeting, a garden or book or dog club.

Our purpose here is to encourage the importance of naming gifts as a routine practice. Plus, to detail what the conversation looks like.

Our Current Habits  

Naming gifts is most often saved for a special occasion. This is where we see three conversational gift habits:

  1. On Departure. Retirement and death are the established occasions when we talk about a person’s gifts. In the case of death, it is called a eulogy. In this moment, we will be forgiven. People will express their gratitude towards us and say what they will miss. People will describe what was unique and special about us. Unfortunately, we are likely to miss the conversation. And by just a few days.
    At retirement or leaving the workplace, same conversation. We get to listen to this one.  We will hear their gratitude. Our unique capacities. What is special about us. Unfortunately, this conversation occurs on our way out. We are gone tomorrow.  Plus, the occasion only occurs a few times in our lifetime.
  2. Personality Analysis and Self-Improvement. We have written tests for assessing and giving meaning our gifts. FIRO-B tells me about my leanings toward control, inclusion, and affection. Myers-Briggs lets me know I am an INFJ. Introverted, intuitive, feeling, and judging. Positive psychology helps us focus on our strengths and how to build them. Social-emotional training develops and indexes our path to relational maturity. Performance reviews are another common habit where our pluses and minuses are discussed. Therapy is also a prevalent practice.
  3. Victory. When we win, our gifts are celebrated. Best in class. Sports achievements. Promotions. Awards. Grades. The message here is that acknowledging our gifts has to be earned.

Exchanging Gifts as a Regular Relational Practice

As we seek connection and belonging or an alternative future, naming the gifts we have received from one another each time we are together is a powerful practice. It deserves to be ranked up there with Robert’s Rules of Order in the public sector, and PowerPoint presentations, updates, and staff meetings everywhere else. We can be very specific about what this would look like. To create the context for the gifts conversation, there are some distinctions that are useful.

  • Gifts vs Strengths. There is a distinction between stating what gifts I have received from someone on this occasion and a discussion of a person’s strengths. It is not our task to analyze or name what others are good at. Strengths are an abstraction and prone to projections. The word “strength” also brings the presence of weakness into play.  We want to tell people what difference they made, not what strengths they possess.
  • Being Enough vs Needing Improvement. The gifts conversation as envisioned here is not about self-improvement. Self-improvement functions out of a context that something more being needed.  It is a useful industry, but its larger context is that we are not yet enough. Advice is needed, and there is always work to be done. Still, there is something twisted when we take on the responsibility of helping the other become a better person. It is a colonial practice, packaged as mentoring and generosity.   

The context for building successful communities and organizations begins with the stance that we are enough. Period. What builds a better world is to create ways of acknowledging and amplifying the fact that each person has all that is needed. This begins with seeing our gifts clearly so they can be amplified. This is what creates agency and accountability.

The Practice of the Gifts Conversation

The gifts conversation is powerful when we decide that exchanging gifts for its own sake is essential. The intent is to learn what action I am taking, now, in this moment, has value and meaning for the people in the room and the purpose of our gathering. Naming this teaches each what to focus on and shifts the energy and potential for all in the room.  

Here are the practices that build a gift-minded way of being. This conversation occurs in the middle or the end of every gathering.

   Practice One: When you choose to describe a gift you have received: 

  1. Focus on the conversation you just had. Pick a person. Name names: Sally, Lopez, Derek … Say: I want to say something to you. State the gift you received. For example: You listened. You surprised me. You were vulnerable. Your way of thinking added something new. You named your doubts. You bring a quiet warmth to the discussion. You shared an experience close to mine. I have seen you around but never got to know you.
  2. State why their action matters to you. Example: This matters because … it is rare for me to be with someone who does not have something in mind for me. Also, I am usually very cautious, and I wasn’t cautious in this conversation. I thought I was alone and something was wrong with me. I discovered that is not so. Your presence with me told me I was not crazy.

  Practice Two: When someone says something nice to you:

  1. Say: Thank you. I like hearing that. Do not respond in kind. Do not be humble. Do not tell a story about your struggles, how your sibling is better at this. How you got lucky this time. How the other person brought it out of you. Do not deflect the attention. Courage is required to take it in without reshaping it with history, explanation, or humility. Thank you. I like hearing that. Pause. Inhale.
  2. Share with the person who named a gift of yours just now what that means to you. You might say that connecting with strangers is not easy for you. This moment is an antidote to your impatience for a to-do list and you find it challenging to simply connect with others for its own sake. You like to control things, and this moment is an example of knowing you are capable of just being present for another. Or you tend to think your ideas are too radical; it is good knowing they might have more value than you realized.
  3. Ask: Is there anything else in our conversation that made a difference for you?
  4. Repeat: Thank you. I like hearing that.

  The purpose is to accelerate connection and value it as the necessary path to outcomes, learning, and accountability. An alternative future is based on this.    

  Remember the conversation about you at the moment has a larger purpose: to deepen your connection with all who are on the call or in the room. Also, it affirms a context of our being enough. It also is of value to others who witness this moment.

  Practice Three: When someone leaves early.  

  The gifts conversation is also useful for small departures, moments more frequent than death and retirement. This is when someone has to leave a gathering early. Instead of sneaking out at the break or when no one is looking, we take a moment with the one who is leaving to value the fact they showed up. This expresses appreciation for the time the person was present. This serves to complete the circle in the absence of the person leaving. Even if they said nothing all day.

  1. The process is for the convener to ask for any three people in the room to share with the person leaving: Here is a gift I received from you as a result of you being part of this today.
  2. Next is for the departing person to state what gifts they have received as a result of being there.
  3. Thank you. I like hearing that.

One More Thought   

The point is to put gifts on the agenda in as many ways as possible. This recognizes that asking what we can do better next time has limits; it reinforces the idea that focusing on what is not working takes us somewhere. One version to establish the value of the gift conversation, this one declares we have agency for this event: ask the question halfway through a gathering Are you getting what you came for?

This gives time to act, together, on getting what we came for. Surveying participants after the event is a nice gesture but treats people as consumers giving feedback, not as creators of the time we spent together.

Thanks for Reading

One purpose of every convening is to give form to the world and culture we want to inhabit. This happens when we reshape small and important elements of convening. The questions we ask and the way we convene are what creates a future we do not have to wait for.  Focusing on gifts as one category of meeting design enables us to believe that all we need for transformation or shift is present in this room. Something or someone more is not required for authentic change to occur.

Full Disclosure

I was in a day-long gathering recently and I had to leave early. I had led the morning session but would be gone for the afternoon.

It occurred to me that maybe I should treat my early leaving as a rare moment where I choose to practice what I preach. Before we broke for lunch, I told the group what the three gifts were that I had received from them in our time together.

I then nervously asked in a whisper, what gifts had they received from me? I know what the process is. See above. I just am not in the habit of following it.  

For the next ten minutes, I heard from people I have known and cared about for a long while, years in many cases, and from others whom I had just met. They were specific in describing what my work had meant to them in the past and the gift of how I had been with them in the gathering that morning.  

In hearing what impacts I have had on their practices, in addition to being appreciated, I received insights into the detail and texture of what words and actions of mine had meaning to them. Most were surprises. They mentioned certain times we had been together.  They talked about shifts in their thinking. Ways they had transformed their own practice. Ways they had received value from my words that I could not have known without this conversation.  

In those ten minutes, I was given –– in a way that surprised me –– the gift of being present in a premature version of my own eulogy. I received the gifts and experienced the discomfort of having to exhale into the realization that the work I have committed to makes  a difference. That moment answered questions and doubts that haunt us all. It happened not as the point of our gathering, or as a learning opportunity, but as a footnote to the bigger reasons for us to gather.

This is what the gifts conversation offers each time. A small metaphor of what will restore our humanity in the face of a commodifying culture. We may still leave the meeting with a list of what to do, but we will hold it lightly, knowing it was really not the point.

Thank you. If you want to let me know of anything here that was useful to you, I would like hearing that.    

Virtual Encounter, Real Gifts: Reflections from the China OD Practitioner (CODP) Conference

It has been over two weeks since I returned from this year’s China OD Practitioner (CODP) Conference held on November 16-17, yet the impact of the event still lingers on my mind. I am deeply moved by the overwhelming feedback shared by participants, especially their reflections from a talk given by Peter Block, which was streamed via video.

Some Background

The CODP Conference is an annual gathering organized by the Innovative OD Center (IOC), an OD training and consulting firm based in Shanghai. This event fosters connections among OD practitioners in China and helps them share best practices, learn new perspectives, and deepen their sense of community.

The gathering of this year had a special significance as it was a celebration of the 10th anniversary of IOC’s most foundational program, the Competencies in OD Certificate Program. Close to 80 graduates participated in this gathering, representing about one-third of all alumni. As a graduate of the 10th OD Certificate Program, I am lucky to be one part of this growing community. 

The “Encounter”

Peter Block’s name is familiar to everyone in this community as his book, Flawless Consulting (3rd edition) has been one of the two pre-reading books for the OD Certificate Program in the past decade. However, the conference was first time that the participants finally “met” Peter, albeit virtually, through a 26-minute video excerpt from a recent 80-minute Zoom interview conducted by IOC.

The video played on Day 2 of the conference during a session focused on envisioning the community’s next 10 years. Peter’s insights addressed profound and wide-ranging topics:

  • The essence and value of OD in a world of uncertainty and change
  • Bringing authenticity into organizations often dominated by the “head” rather than the “heart”
  • His journey to becoming a Master of OD
  • Transitioning from organizational to community-focused work
  • Shifting people’s mindsets from being consumers to becoming co-owners of their communities

The Gifts

Unexpectedly, watching a short video recording turned out to be the highlight of the conference. In the small groups that were convened immediately after watching the video, many participants shared that they were deeply touched and inspired. In the WeChat group for the conference, many shared similar reflections.

The momentum continued even after the conference was finished. I saw many participants posting photos of Peter on video in their WeChat Moments, together with the lines that struck them most.

Here are just a few of the lines shared:

  • “The essence of OD is that relationship and our connection to each other is what produces outcomes.”
  • OD is…confronting people with their gifts, confronting with what you want to bring to this place.
  • “We’re not trying to protest or change anyone. We’re looking for people looking for us.
  • “When you choose to treat people as subjects rather than objects, you’re going to feel lonely. And that’s why we need each other.”
  • You’re not trying to convince anybody. You’re an invitation. You’re not a mandate. 
  • “That’s the magnet you are and the container you are for your culture.”
  • Leadership is to step into an uncertain future, to believe and face ourselves that we can create the future, even though we can’t predict it.
  • “The future always exists in the present.”

Meaningful Reflections

With curiosity, I asked some of the participants, “What made those particular words meaningful to you?” Here are some of their responses:

  • “Our work of HR and OD treats ‘people’ as the end instead of the mean. However, we often feel lonely and frustrated, because most people around us are focusing on the ‘things’ only. And I feel greatly comforted by Peter’s words that we just need to look for people looking for us.” (Leslie, an HR leader of a new energy automotive company)
  • “Treating people as subjects instead of objects is so important for our time. Nobody can be all-powerful, and we need everyone to be agent and give full play to our creativity.” (Jinfeng, a former sales leader of a bio-pharmaceutical company.)  
  • “Peter talks about the essence of OD and community in such simple but powerful words. And his way of talking just demonstrates authenticity. This encourages us as OD practitioners to trust and confront ourselves–we can create the world we want to inhabit.” (Victoria, an independent EQ and leadership coach, and OD consultant.)     
  • “Everyone is trying to make a change, and the change does not happen in the future but starts from now. And my reflection is how I can become to be the magnet and the container for that change.” (Wing, OD Head of a chain catering enterprise.)

Immediate Application

One outcome that was particularly inspiring to me was an action immediately taken by the Dream Team responsible for co-designing the conference made up of six volunteers from the OD practitioner community. Vera, one of the Dream Team members and an OD consultant of IOC, shared with me:

“I heard Peter talking about the subtle differences of questions, and I suddenly realized that our questions designed for collecting participants’ feedback on the conference were all ‘consumer’ questions, for example, ‘What attracted you to the conference?’ and “What is your takeaway from the conference?’ I discussed this with the rest of the team, and we immediately decided to change them to ‘ownership’ questions- ‘What intention did you bring to the conference?’ ‘Did you realize your intention?’”


As Maria Wang, the founder of IOC, reflected, “Peter’s presence made a difference to the conference. His words evoked and provoked a lot of thinking and reflections on OD and community. They are such precious gifts to our conference participants.”

Thank you, Peter, for the abundant gifts you brought to OD practitioners in China. Your words continue to inspire, guide, and elevate this community.

Article written by Mei Hong

Honoring John McKnight & The Gift He Was

We are deeply saddened by the loss of John McKnight, a dear friend, author, professor, and co-founder of the Asset-Based Community Development Institute.

John laid the foundation for the work that we do in community. Because of him, our focus is always on gifts, not deficiencies. Because of him, we focus on possibility instead of problem.

The Abundant Community: Awakening the Power of Families and Neighborhoods, which John co-authored with Peter Block, reminds us that the greatest power we have collectively is to treat our neighbors with compassion, care, and curiosity.

To celebrate John’s legacy, we would like to share his final writing, From Reform to What Works: Moving from the Limits of Institutions to a Culture Powered by NeighborsWithin its pages, you will find thirteen stories of the power of association to mold the future of communities around the world. 

Ambiguity is the Enemy of Good Agreements

In every aspect of our lives, we make agreements with other people, from day-to-day decisions like where to go to dinner to monumental topics like how we want to achieve our strategic/life goals together. 

We are often disappointed with the results no matter what kind of agreements we make. The other person doesn’t follow through, and I fully understand the changes I would have to make, so I don’t follow through. Even when we do both follow through, we often still don’t meet each other’s expectations. 

When I reflect on the agreements that were not effective for me, I realize there was some level of ambiguity present.  We tend to agree to things at a high level without getting very specific. 

Ambiguity is the enemy of good agreements.

Why do we choose to be ambiguous?  Yes, it is a choice.  It may not be a conscious choice, but it is a choice.  One reason may be that if I stay at a high level, it is easier to get someone’s agreement.  Without specifics, there is less risk. 

In Flawless Consulting®, we talk about sharing our “technical” wants (What are we going to do together?. We also share our relational wants (How are we going to work together?). 

Both technical and relational wants are important ingredients for a good agreement.  However, if I’m too ambiguous, we still won’t be effective with each other.  

An example of an ambiguous technical want is when I ask you to meet with me regularly to share the status of a project. That is relatively easy to agree to. However, if I ask you to meet with me for 30 minutes every Wednesday at 10:00 a.m., that might need some negotiation. The latter is more specific and will help us reach a deal that works for both of us.

For a vague relational want, I might ask you for your support on a project.  Again, it is easy to say yes.  It also is so ambiguous that neither one of us will be satisfied.  We didn’t really agree to anything.  At best, you will support me in the way you want to. And, it may or may not align with what I want.  Most likely, it won’t align.  I need to be more specific in my initial ask. 

A great antidote to an ambiguous agreement is to ask yourself, “What would it look like?’  In this example, instead of asking for support, I would ask myself, “What would it look like if you were supporting me?”  To get more specific and less ambiguous, I could ask you to introduce me to your team and be an advocate for our project.  Again, this might take some more time to negotiate, but in the end, we will build a much more effective relationship by being specific.  Specificity is the antidote to ambiguous agreements.

I have found that the relational elements of an agreement are the hardest to get specific about. I am more comfortable asking for support, collaboration, partnership, buy-in, sponsorship, etc., but I am less comfortable describing what each of these would look like. We end up with poor agreements because we don’t get specific. 

So, if you find yourself frustrated with one of your relationships, reflect on how specific you were when you asked them for something.  If you were ambiguous, re-negotiate the agreement with specifics.

Ambiguity is the poison for good agreements, and specificity is the antidote.

Article by Jeff Evans

Learn more about making good agreements here.

Why Expertise Alone Fails: The Partnership Secret Behind Flawless Consulting

Consulting isn’t just about offering expertise—it’s about building authentic relationships and fostering trust.

That’s one of the most important of the many insights from Peter Block’s Flawless Consulting: A Guide to Getting Your Expertise Used, a book that has transformed the way countless individuals and organizations think about the role of consultants. But, here’s the key takeaway: this approach doesn’t only apply to consultants—it’s relevant to anyone who needs to work in collaboration. And it’s the backbone of our most popular workshop.

The Humanity in Consulting

What makes the promise of Flawless Consulting so unique and effective is its emphasis on partnership over expertise. Too often, consultants focus solely on delivering technical solutions; this is where they get stuck. The reality is that people choose to work with you based on how they make you feel- facing that reality is key to success.

As Peter Block emphasizes in all of his work, the real challenge is creating relationships that lead to long-term change.

The Power of Authentic Conversations

At the core of this approach are authentic conversations. These conversations are about wants, expectations, risks, resistance, and trust. In the workshop, we guide participants through strategies for having candid dialogue that allows both consultants and clients to operate in transparency when working together.

“Being right is not enough. You need enough leverage to have your point of view considered.”

Peter Block, Flawless Consulting.

From Expertise to True Partnership

One of the biggest mistakes a consultant can make is assuming that expertise alone will lead to success. The truth is that expertise without partnership rarely drives sustainable outcomes. Being a flawless consultant isn’t just about problem-solving; it’s about co-creating solutions with the people we serve.

 In our Flawless Consulting® workshop, participants dive deep into shifting from merely a pair-of-hands or experts to a true partnership. This is a vital shift that makes all the difference. Even if clients don’t know it yet, they prefer a partner over someone who simply tells them how to fix things. When consultants come in with band-aid solutions, it typically means the client will have to eventually engage another one. Why? To come in and clean things up because the solutions the former offered didn’t last.

Why People Keep Choosing Flawless Consulting

Clients continue to choose the Flawless Consulting workshop because it offers more than just technical training. It equips people with the ability to influence, create meaningful change, and deliver results that last.

Through flawless principles, our workshop teaches professionals how to step into true collaboration, ensuring that the client and consultant contribute equally to the process. Our approach is experiential, grounded in real-world applications, and designed to shift mindsets. The learnings stick.

If you’re ready to move beyond transactional consulting and embrace a deeper, more meaningful way to work with clients, colleagues, and bosses, we invite you to join us for our next Flawless Consulting workshop. You’ll not only dive into the principles from Peter Block’s timeless book but also experience the transformative power of partnership in action.

What people are saying about Flawless

“I have been a ‘student’ of Peter Block and his work for some time.  His philosophy and approach have shaped my own in my work.  I ‘got’ Flawless. And then I took the course. Through the excellent facilitation and exploratory discussions with classmates, the concepts found in the book took on new meaning. I developed a deeper and broader understanding of how to approach a consulting project, from relationship-with-the-client formation to determining the real issues to address and my role in doing so.  Methodologies were introduced that are invaluable. The book is still important and in a league of its own.  The class adds layers of value and is outstanding for becoming a truly exceptional consultant.”

Robin LeBlanc

Flawless Consulting: Setting Strategic Vision

Thirteen years ago, I joined Designed Learning as an independent contractor to assist in marketing and sales. I knew absolutely nothing about Designed Learning, Flawless Consulting, or Peter Block. I knew even less about setting strategic vision and its importance to organizational effectiveness.

So, What’s the Point?

Learning the skills to avoid siloed work environments and embrace collaboration within the entire organization is essential to successful outcomes. Setting strategic vision includes establishing realistic goals and working with others — fully utilizing the expertise of all.  It is also about communicating effectively, developing working agreements across organizational boundaries, and solving problems long term. The results include increased job satisfaction, employee commitment, and bottom-line improvement.

Setting strategic vision means learning to convene others in a way that quickly builds connection and trust. It creates a personal view that you are part of something larger than yourself, the people you work with directly every day or a single client. You learn to look beyond the immediate and begin to hold yourself accountable, voluntarily committing to the well-being of the whole.  Acquiring these valuable skills will ensure that every project and conversation moves the organization forward in a positive direction.

How It’s Done

Flawless Consulting® develops tools that enable participants to be more strategic in their thinking and more effective at solving problems. These essential skills include:

  • How to recognize resistance in your clients and learn a technique to move forward effectively.
  • How to be assertive.
  • How to probe for underlying issues.
  • How to deliver feedback in a way that honors the client but challenges them to act.

During the experience, participants practice in real time the skills needed to have their expertise used. Every phase is discussed and practiced ensuring that no phase is skipped or ignored for the sake of expediency.

The first and most critical phase of Flawless Consulting is Contracting. Contracting is about building trust, exchanging wants and offers, and deciding what you’re going to do together and how you’re going to do it. In other words, establishing a working agreement. The success of the entire project and the decision to act and implement a lasting solution is incumbent on this initial phase.

During Flawless Consulting, participants also learn what role they typically choose as a consultant and partner: Expert, Pair of Hands or Collaborative.  

The skills learned in Flawless Consulting are essential in setting a strategic vision. Putting them into practice means ensuring that every person’s expertise is fully utilized, accountability and commitment are chosen, and individual success is achieved. More importantly, Flawless Consulting creates a culture of collaboration, sets strategic vision, and ensures the health and success of the whole.

Article by Chris Witt

Transforming Leadership for Equitable Change: Introducing Leader as Convener

In our pursuit of more equitable, sustainable, and community-oriented systems, we often overlook a crucial element: how we come together. At Designed Learning®, we believe that the way we convene can be as transformative as the work itself. Our “Leader as Convener” program offers a paradigm shift in how we perceive and address societal issues, reimagining leadership for the common good.

This approach advocates for reimagining our relationships with human capital, natural resources, financial systems, and social connections. It calls for an end to commodifying humanity, a renewed respect for nature, a reevaluation of financial practices, and the building of social capital through trust and citizen engagement.

Whether you’re an impact investor, a foundation catalyzing systemic change, or an NGO empowering communities, the way you bring people together matters. Traditional hierarchical leadership often falls short in addressing complex, interconnected challenges. Leader as Convener offers a new perspective, emphasizing focusing on gifts rather than deficiencies, possibilities over problem-solving, and balancing covenants with well-structured contracts to ensure both relational trust and clear expectations.

Envision meetings where power dynamics are neutralized, every voice is heard, and authentic commitment replaces lip service. Picture conversations that move beyond problem-solving to possibility thinking, where diverse strengths are recognized and leveraged. This is the essence of our program.

Leader as Convener equips leaders with skills to facilitate Six Conversations That Matter®:

  1. Possibility: Shifting from problems to potential
  2. Ownership: Moving from blame to accountability
  3. Dissent: Encouraging healthy disagreement
  4. Commitment: Transforming intentions into action
  5. Gifts: Utilizing diverse strengths
  6. Invitation: Extending genuine, inclusive calls to participate

This approach encourages leadership by convening and motivating citizens to actively participate in shaping their communities and narratives. For those in urban development, manufacturing, or sustainability, it boosts collaboration with diverse stakeholders, fostering inclusive decision-making for economic development and business associations. Academic institutions studying sustainable development gain a new perspective for effective community engagement. In large corporations, this approach shifts traditional hierarchies to more collaborative environments, enabling managers to facilitate meaningful conversations, foster team ownership, and ensure all voices are heard. This results in greater employee engagement, improved decision-making, and innovative problem-solving.

This program isn’t just about improving meetings; it’s about transforming how we work together to create change. It’s about building trust, fostering belonging, and creating conditions for true collaboration and innovation. By focusing on gifts and possibilities, we can create a more inclusive and sustainable future.

As we face unprecedented challenges in creating equitable and sustainable systems, we need new ways of leading and convening. Leader as Convener offers a path forward, helping us harness our collective wisdom and power to create the future we envision. It’s a call to action for all of us to rethink our roles in society and at work, and how we can contribute to positive change.

Article by Derek Peebles.

Learn more about Leader As Convener by downloading this free eBook by Peter Block.