“What do you mean by Flawless?”

It’s a question I hear early in my Flawless Consulting Skills workshops. Flawless can sound arrogant and impossible. But let me offer a short explanation of Flawless. There are four basic principles to being Flawless that are simple and practical…

  • Being authentic with others
  • Acting with compassion
  • Completing the business of each phase
  • Modeling it—living it out

Flawless does not mean that you’ll always get your way or never have a difficult client. Flawless builds trusting relationships, working together as partners for the organization.

Flawless is not a destination; it’s a journey of learning.

Having used these principles and skills for over 30 years, I am still learning what it means to be Flawless.

Here is a simple description I use when asked, “How do you explain to your client what you do?”

I start by discussing how we each Feel about working together. Then, I Listen to understand what the client is up against or trying to do. I Acknowledge what I’ve heard and ask questions for clarity and understanding. We agree on what we Want from each other to make our work successful. Next, I ask others for their views of the situation and Listen to discover the underlying issues. After that, I organize my thoughts and Explain to the client, without judgment, what I see happening and its impact, allowing us to make progress towards a decision. Throughout the process, I raise tough issues and Support the client’s doubts and concerns while telling them personally about the Strengths and contributions they have made in our work together.

I keep the words simple and descriptive, No jargon. This simplicity is how I emulate authenticity with my clients.

In Flawless Consulting workshops, you’ll learn the skills to begin your own personal journey toward being Flawless. I wish you fair winds and following seas. Please feel free to contact me at cfields@designedlearning.com with questions or comments.